About Echo Moon Jewelry

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Echo Moon jewelry is the product of a passion for gemstones & jewelry. Each individual creation is a labor of love, designed and meticulously handcrafted by me. I use only precious & semi-precious gemstones. Currently, I work in the following metals: Gold-Filled, Sterling Silver, Phosphor Bronze, Copper and Red Brass (AKA Jeweler's Bronze).

I've always had a love for gemstones. As a child I constantly collected interesting rocks. At the time, my Grandmother worked as a union representative for the International Ladies Garment Workers Union in Manhatten, NYC. She would sometimes take me to work with her and we would spend the day walking through the Garment District, visiting the manufacturing floors of all the fashion houses.

As I grew to adulthood, that early exposure to the world of fashion design melded with my fascination for gemstones and blossomed into a love of jewelry. I went on to study Fine Arts and then Graphic Design in college. Training in the arts proved to be the final puzzle piece for me. It was shortly after college that I found myself thinking a lot about what it would take to make my own jewelry. In 1990 I enrolled in a beginner's jewelry casting class at a local community arts center in Philadelphia and I was hooked.

From that point on I've been self taught. I'm constantly trying new ideas and techniques that intrigue me. Some work out better than others, but all serve to lead me further down the path of jewelry design. At one point I worked as a Jeweler & Production Manager for Anthony Nak in Texas during their early years. It was a wonderfully creative environment and I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work with such talented designers. I soon realized, however, that what I really wanted was to design my own jewelry.

Since then, I've spent my time expanding my skill & knowledge base and always striving to improve. I do the occasional craft show and have recently expanded my website to showcase my entire collection.

My love of gemstones hasn't diminished over the years and I still collect rocks. Some girls get excited when their partner brings them flowers. I get excited when mine brings me geodes, fossils and interesting rocks he finds in his travels.

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